Password Bag

by Pruthvi Raj



Password bag is a simple, user friendly and the best offline password manager app for Android which doesnt require internet connectivity. It uses internal storage as the database and the user can create backup file and restore it with six digits secrete key. This app uses strong encryption and decryption mechanism for storing and retrieving the data. The user entered password/pin will be encrypted and stored in the database. User can only see their entered data with registered secrete key. User can create backup and share the backup file to their drive or any third party apps, the backup file will contains the title,user name and the encrypted password. The backup file will be in the csv format. It supports all the android devices and user can share the backup file from one device to another device, also can restore the data.Important note: Enter strong and complex 6 digits secrete key for registration, this secrete key acts as a master key for your data, this secrete key is required for reading the entered data and for restoring the data. If the registered secrete key doesnt match with the backup file the data cannot be restored.Password bag doesnt collect or share any user data, the data entered at the time of registration process can be anything which need not to be a valid user name. This data is just using for show casing in the profile page. The data collected in the registration process are Username, secrete key, confirm secrete key and the consent.Username can be anything as we are not validating the inputs. secrete key and confirm secrete key must be same and complex for giving the security to the entered data, reading the data and restoring the backup. The data entered by the user will be stored in the device and we dont have a control over the device user is responsible for the data loss or data leak. Though the data will be protected by the encryption and decryption mechanism, user might have shared the secrete key knowingly or unknowingly. Make sure your secrete key is complex,safe and no one should tamper or guess your registered secrete key.Note that do not use your mobile number, dob, bike number or commonly used pins etc as your secrete key, it has to be complex and strong that no body can guess. To restore the backup file, entered secrete key at the registration time or the secrete key which was used while creating the backup must match.Make sure the backup file is safe and we dont have the control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy polices or practices of any third party sites or services.